Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our first week at home....

We've been home a week! I can hardly believe it. The first few days were pretty hard as our internal clocks were turned upside down. We both wanted to sleep until 1:00p.m. and then stay up until 1:00a.m. After about 3 days, I bit the bullet and just set the alarm for 7:00a.m. It was a bit rough at first, but I think we are over the jet let hump.

Miya has slept (knocking on wood) for 3 nights in a row. All night long. We are now trying to work on getting our day schedule down. Nap time is still all over the board, but we are getting closer to the 10a.m. and 2p.m. schedule she was on in China.

So far, I think she likes me. :-) She likes B too. :-) In fact, she is a very happy easy going little gal. She gets very serious when she meets someone new, but it doesn't take very long for her to warm up and show her fun personality.

She had her first Dr.'s appointment yesterday. She is right on track developmentally, but is delayed in her eating skills and language (no big surprise there). She weighs 20.5 pounds and is 29.5 inches in length. Her color is good and her PDA has not closed on it's own yet. We will be seeing a pediatric cardiac specialist at the Children's hospital nearby in the coming weeks. They will then decide if we should have it closed now or wait until she is 2. I also have to schedule the dreaded blood draw appointment....yuck.

She is eating well and I am going to start transitioning her to US formula as soon as I can decide on which kind to buy. I think I am going to go with the Carnation Good Start as I've heard that it is a bit sweeter and others have had luck transitioning from the Chinese formula to it.
Miya is such a sweet little girl and I am so very blessed to have her.
I've saved the best for last. Pics from our first week home (captions are above photos)!!

Yummmm, biter biscuits are good!

Yep, I still love my bath....

First Dr. visit...

Meeting cousins....

Meeting more cousins....

I love my pool!

Swinging with her cousin Thomas at the park, it was his first time too! pssst...he's only 4 months older than Miya, doesn't she look tiny in this picture?

Hey, this is really fun!

Miya's auntie found a gently used Johnny Jumper at a garage sale down the street. She loves it!

Climbing all over her cousin Jackson...

and then she swooped in for a kiss, I just about cried, it was soooo sweet!

My happy little girl...

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

We are home - - take 3!

Well, my computer is officially messed up. I am at my Dad's house backing everything from China up and then we are going to restore my settings from before I left for China. I am also borrowing his computer and will blog from here as I know you are all about to hunt me down because I haven't posted any photos!! Soooo sorry! With jet leg, my computer issues, and trying to get settled w/ Miya...well, it's been hard to get this done...

Anyhoo...the 22 hour trip home went well. Miya slept for maybe 3 hours the entire trip. ouch. She did pretty well overall, was very squirmy at times, but boy were we glad to be home. Here are a few pictures of our first day in the USA!

Jet leg...need I write anymore??

She loves her comfy highchair!

First bath at home...if she could, she would stay all day in the tub!

Brrrr....hurry mom! I need my pj's!

First night in her crib, she slept maybe 2 hours and then partied until 3:45 a.m...

Monday, July 21, 2008

We are hanging in there...

Miya is doing great! We are trying to get over our jet leg and made some major progress (I think) last night. She slept from 8:30p.m. to 6:00a.m. and I only had to get up with her for a few minutes 3 times. Yay! We'll see if it continues...

I seem to be having problems uploading pictures this morning. I have tried two times....but am out of time as it's time for a diaper change and breakfast :-)

I'll try again during nap time. Blogging with a busy 13 month old is hard!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

We are home!

We are here and we are home! Miya is currently crawling all over me and it is rather difficult to blog...I'll get some pics up later tonight. We are doing great, but jet leg is awful. More soon, I promise!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

On our way home!

This will be the last post from China. It is 9:30 p.m. and we have a wake-up call at 4:15a.m. ouch. All of Miya's visa/immigration paperwork is in my bag and her passport is here. We are all exhausted and ready to come home!

Thank you for following along on my journey!! It has really helped to know you were reading and supporting me back home. We all really enjoyed reading your comments everyday.

Thank you to my wonderful brother and mother for coming along on this trip, I couldn't have done it without them and I will be grateful to them forever.

Most of all, thank you China for giving me the most precious gift, my daughter, Miya Mei Xiao

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Together one week!!

Greetings from GZ

Hello from Guangzhou!
I am feeling better, I have been sick with a terrible sore throat and slight fever for the past two days. It was so bad yesterday I could barely speak. Yuck. I am glad I am feeling much better. Again, thank goodness for my mom and brother.

GZ and the White Swan are exactly like I have been reading about on the blogs for the past two years. It's tropical and doesn't really feel like we are in China. The architecture is very different, of British influence. We are staying on Shamian Island, a quaint little place. The entire area caters to adoptive families as the U.S. consulate is here and this is where we will get Miya's Visa. Her passport arrived today!! Hallelujah. I was pretty freaked about leaving Xi'an without it.

Our guides are keeping us very busy with adoption appointments, etc. Today we went to the toy market and a shopping mall. Tomorrow is our consulate appointment and then we have the afternoon free. We will also be going on the Pearl River Cruise tomorrow evening.

Miya is doing great. She hangs out in her stroller when we are out and about and just soaks everything in. We are in shopping mode now and hope to get everything on our lists before we leave. Just 2 more days here and then we are on our way home....we are VERY ready.

April Y - The Ergo works great but it was very hot in Xi'an and in GZ, so I opted to only use it indoors. I finally bought a stroller in GZ and we are both much happier when we are outside.

Pics of the day!
The White Swan waterfall shot....Miya would not look at the camera. Why should she? The waterfall was much more interesting than her Grandma and Uncle making clucking noises and goofy faces trying to get her to turn her head.

First fingernail clipping, I managed to get 4 done on one hand.

Lunch at Pizza Hut in the shopping mall...
Shopping district....
Strolling the island...

and yes, like all the adoptive parents before me...we've been to Lucy's....twice...

Friday, July 11, 2008

Last Day in Xian, First Day in Guangzhou

Sara's not feeling well so here's an email my mom sent to her friends that pretty much catches everybody up-to-date!

Hello friends:
I wanted to tell you the tale of our exit from Xi'an! We sat in the civil affairs office for nearly an hour (he wasn't there) and our guide/interpreter finally got his assistant on the phone. He came, took the key from above the door, opened it and got the necessary paperwork and went with us to the police station (the place where you get passports) where we waited for the passport that was to be issued within the hour. Well, the hour was up and if we didn't leave PDQ, we would miss our flight to Guangzhou. Soooo, after waiting all week for her passport to be issued, we left without it with the promise that it would be delivered here before our consulate appointment on Monday...
Well, don't get to a Chinese airport an hour before flight! lines, lines and more lines. Our guide tried to get us through VIP/ first class. Haha! We just barely made it, had time to get through security, change babies diaper and get in line for boarding. Guess what? The famous fanny pack was missing off my body!! With all of our big money in it... I remembered I had to take it off in security but Dustin had grabbed my bags and off we went after I got "wanded" in the line, and he didn't realize I had it on. Anyway, I left Sara standing in line to board with the worst look of panic I'd ever seen. I ran back to security, not remembering which line I had been in, just happened (just happened??) to spot someone that looked familiar and asked in sign language, "fanny pack?". Two cute young fellers snatched it out from behind something, took out my ID driver's license and gave me the once over, smiling so sweetly and sent me on my way. I got back to line and Sara was in a full blown sobbing episode. I made my girl cry. Poor Miya, was looking at her mommy and wondering what the heck was going on!
We all got seats together in the back of the plane and actually Sara and baby got to sit in the last row alone so all was well. The flight in ZH airlines was pretty good. (did you notice, we talk like Chinese people) We hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was now 7pm so we took a chance and ate the food they offered. We didn't die.
We are now in Guangzhou and it is hot and humid. We are so excited because there are American families all over the place and we went to Miya's medical exam with several families from Small World Adoption Agency with many from Spokane area. Breakfast was crawling with special needs adoption kiddos and it almost made me cry. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful little girl. We are no longer the only American's for people to stare at so Sara doesn't feel so strange. I like it. I loved meeting the people when I visited here in 2000 and say hello to everyone who even looks my way. More people know English nowadays as they are teaching it in the elementary schools.

On the way back from medical exam, we met Jordan and spent some time (and money!) in his store. I will have to go back for sure when Miya wasn't ready for her nap. Dustin just left to take our laundry out. He won't send his out again as in Xi'an the guide sent a guy over that was cheaper than the hotel and they stretched the neck of his tee shirts out. Like "flash dance" he said. So he goes with the hotel laundry and doesn't mind paying the price.

OHHHHHH!! get this news! When we were picked up at the airport, the guide explained the White Swan Hotel wasn't able to accomodate our request for adjoining rooms so they gave us a free upgrade. We are on the 24th floor, palace suite with a river view! Two bedrooms, living room, three bathrooms two fridges, three tv's, and the list goes on and on. Not too bad. Party in Sara's room!! Our agency director in Spokane had told us the White Swan makes the Cd'a Resort look like motel 6. Maybe not quite, but this place is fabulous.

Well, time for siesta. Sara has a paperwork meeting in the Chinese Small World Agency's room at 3pm (with no children please) so Grandma gets her FIRST official babysitting job and I want to be well rested! She's so hard to handle you know...

Pics Of The Day!

Miya's first flight...

Everything looks great!

Outside the medical clinic

The Limited Edition Barbie that all adoptive families get from the White Swan was in our room when we returned from Lunch!

Travel day

We are packing up and checking out of our hotel. Later we will pick up Miya's passport and then head to Guangzhou. I'm anxious to see what the White Swan is all about, yet I'm sad to leave Miya's home town...we have had fun here and it is the place that brought us together.

Pics of the day!

While I was waiting for Miya to wake up this morning, I stopped over next door and low and behold there was Chinese flute practice going on in the bathroom...they're not going to like that I posted this picture...hehehe...

Good morning sunshine!

Getting into everything...doesn't she look a little guilty here?

We told my mom she needed to quit shopping...she didn't listen. Just kidding...

Miya met her aunts, uncles, cousins, and Grandpa via Skype webcam this morning. :-)

I love my Grandma!

She cracks up and giggles when she sees the baby in the elevator mirror...

Our home for the past 5 days...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dear friends

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13 months old and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda

Today Miya turns 13 months old!

Before I start today's post, I need to shout out a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my grandma Una Mae and my friend Ana!! We are thinking about you in China and hope that you have a wonderful birthday!

First up, Team China Support is falling apart.

After dinner last night my mom said "I have a stomach ache". Long story short, she has food poisoning from the hotel room service she ate last night. She had a very long night in the bathroom and when I went in to her room this morning she was not looking very good at all and moaned "will you get me a coke?". So I did and then I mixed her up 2 bottles of Gatorade, gave her some Imodium, and sternly ordered her to drink fluids. She hasn't been out of bed all day. Meanwhile, my brother has been battling a sore throat and slight fever for the past two days.

Now, don't freak out Mike and yaya sisters. We are taking very good care of her and at the time of this typing it is 4:00p.m. and she is feeling better much better and is drinking fluids. She has been reading and visiting with us while resting today. I hope she doesn't get mad at me for writing about her sickness...

Miya on the other hand has turned the corner! Her cough is pretty much gone and I have not had to give her Tylenol all day. She is getting more and more vocal and very active! She babbles, squeals, blows bubbles, and crawls all over the place. I have also noticed that she is not interested in playing with more than one toy at a time. She seems to get overwhelmed at all the options if I give her too many to play with. She would rather play with two stacking cups or just one ring vs. all of them at one time. She also really likes to play with an empty water bottle, the diaper wipe travel bag, or the hotel room key (one at a time of course). Again, I just don't think she has ever had the opportunity to play with a lot of toys and is overwhelmed very quickly. She also seems more comfortable in our hotel room and sort of shuts down and is very quiet when we leave to go outside or touring....or maybe she is just hotter than you know what, I don't really know. ;-)

She is a very good eater and has been eating cheerios, banana bread, mandarin oranges, deli turkey, deli ham, rice congee, steamed bread, and eggs. She also drinks 3-4 bottles per day. I am not introducing too many new foods right now and am just sticking with what they told me she eats. I did give her a fry last night and she gummed it up and then spit it out, it was pretty funny. Her self-feeding skills are a bit delayed, I am guessing she is eating at a 9 month level. She is getting better with her pincher grasp though and she can sure shove banana bread into her mouth, but she likes it when I feed her's working out just fine. We were standing in the elevator yesterday and my brother said "yep, your a mother have oranges in your hair, stains and slobber on your shirt, and pee on your shoe"...yes, you read that right. Rookie mom put her diaper on too loose and get the picture.

Ok, now on to the the days activities. I was prepared to try and handle the buffet by myself this morning, but Dustin came in and decided he was feeling good enough to go with me (thank goodness). We sat next to a nice group of ladies from New York this morning at breakfast. They asked if they could be nosy and of course I said "sure, yes I am adopting and this is our 4th day together!" They then ooohed and aaahed over Miya and I. It was nice to visit with them.

My mom stayed at the hotel while Dustin, Miya, and I headed off to tour the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. If you would like to read more about the pagoda, click HERE.

After the Pagoda tour, we checked in on my mom and then headed over to the restaurant next, the canon restaurant is so good! We ate pork dishes and rice...are you beginning to see a pattern here? Breakfast buffet, tour, lunch, nap, playtime, bath, dinner and bed. Actually, that's Miya's schedule. The adults haven't been eating lunch and dinner regularly, we just aren't hungry.

Tomorrow we pick up Miya's passport and then head to Guangzhou, our flight leaves at 6:30...our first flight with baby!! Yep, I'm a little freaked out about it....

Pics of the day!
Breakfast w/ mommy and my uncle!

Big Wild Goose Pagoda....
Lunch at the yummy restaurant next to the hotel...
Nap time....
She is so precious....

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Terracotta Warriors!

At 9:30a.m. we met Celine in the lobby and headed off to see the Terracotta Warriors. First, we stopped at place where they demonstrated the terracotta making process and sold souvenirs. Then, we went on to see the museums. Amazing, amazing, amazing. When I first started the adoption process, I remember thinking I would be so lucky to find my way to this area of China. The sight was truly amazing, I love archeological finds and the warriors are considered to be the 8th wonder of the was really cool. If you are not familiar with the Terracotta Warriors, you can read about them HERE.

The tour lasted most of the day, so after we went back to the hotel. Due to the heat, the tours really wipe us out, so we decided to just stay in. Dustin hasn't been feeling too great the past day or so, he has a sore throat and was really feeling chilly etc. so my mom and I just ordered room service and then we all went to bed.

Miya continues to warm up to me. She is now allowing me to snuggle her up while she settles down to rest. She even fell asleep in my arms today. When she woke up this morning she cried for a few minutes, hard, with big tears. She just seemed very confused and not sure about this whole thing. I just held her and walked with her and soon enough she was smiling.

There are times when I'm sure we are making progress (think bonding and attaching), which we are...but she will still go to anyone and doesn't seem to care if it's me or the waitress who takes care of her. I'm sure it will all be ok and I need to not be so hard on myself, we've only known each other for 4 DAYS. I'll just keep working at it and at some point I know it will click.

The ladies at the Terracotta Warrior shop had her waving goodbye today. It was pretty cute. I didn't know she could do that.

My mom and brother are taking good care of us. It's so hot outside, but they are being very good sports about seeing the sights and soaking in all things China.

Tomorrow we are touring the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and soon we will be packing up and heading south to Guangzhou, where we will finish up our trip.

Pics of the day!

Good morning friends! I like hanging out with my uncle, eating cheerios, and watching cartoons...

My grandma loves me sooooo much!

Terracotta Warriors tour....

Whew! Touring sure does make a girl thirsty!


Thank you for the card Uncle Ryan!

Have I mentioned Chinese babies do not like their food cold? We don't have a microwave in our, warming food has become...shall we say, very interesting...
