Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Terracotta Warriors!

At 9:30a.m. we met Celine in the lobby and headed off to see the Terracotta Warriors. First, we stopped at place where they demonstrated the terracotta making process and sold souvenirs. Then, we went on to see the museums. Amazing, amazing, amazing. When I first started the adoption process, I remember thinking I would be so lucky to find my way to this area of China. The sight was truly amazing, I love archeological finds and the warriors are considered to be the 8th wonder of the was really cool. If you are not familiar with the Terracotta Warriors, you can read about them HERE.

The tour lasted most of the day, so after we went back to the hotel. Due to the heat, the tours really wipe us out, so we decided to just stay in. Dustin hasn't been feeling too great the past day or so, he has a sore throat and was really feeling chilly etc. so my mom and I just ordered room service and then we all went to bed.

Miya continues to warm up to me. She is now allowing me to snuggle her up while she settles down to rest. She even fell asleep in my arms today. When she woke up this morning she cried for a few minutes, hard, with big tears. She just seemed very confused and not sure about this whole thing. I just held her and walked with her and soon enough she was smiling.

There are times when I'm sure we are making progress (think bonding and attaching), which we are...but she will still go to anyone and doesn't seem to care if it's me or the waitress who takes care of her. I'm sure it will all be ok and I need to not be so hard on myself, we've only known each other for 4 DAYS. I'll just keep working at it and at some point I know it will click.

The ladies at the Terracotta Warrior shop had her waving goodbye today. It was pretty cute. I didn't know she could do that.

My mom and brother are taking good care of us. It's so hot outside, but they are being very good sports about seeing the sights and soaking in all things China.

Tomorrow we are touring the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and soon we will be packing up and heading south to Guangzhou, where we will finish up our trip.

Pics of the day!

Good morning friends! I like hanging out with my uncle, eating cheerios, and watching cartoons...

My grandma loves me sooooo much!

Terracotta Warriors tour....

Whew! Touring sure does make a girl thirsty!


Thank you for the card Uncle Ryan!

Have I mentioned Chinese babies do not like their food cold? We don't have a microwave in our, warming food has become...shall we say, very interesting...



Donna said...

Sara...we've been on vacation and I just now had a chance to catch up on all your excitement.

Miya is so beautiful and you two already look like a family! Congratulations and I can't wait to read more about your adventures in parenting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara, Cynthia, Dustin, and Miya! Wow, Sara...thanks for all your sharing about her, it just feels so honest and open it makes me cry! She cracks me guys are hilarious - those pics in the warrior suits are too funny. She is a very lucky little girl to have you all - especially her mommy! We went to the NIC raffle last night (didn't win!), but it reminded me of seeing you there 3 years? ago when you were just talking about starting this...AMAZING! Sara P.

Anonymous said...

Hi you guys,
I would love to see those Terracotta Warriors, they look amazing. Isn't the history there incredible?

Sara, don't you worry about her bonding. That sweet little girl will know that you are her mommy. That's for sure.... I kind of like that she is very social because maybe I can hold her when you get home. :o)

Cynthia, The YaYa's missed you last night, but we each drank a margarita in your honor....

Lisa and Tate said...

I look forward to your post every day!!!

The Terracotta Warriors are on my "want to see" list.... Just amazing.

Miya sounds like such a sweet happy baby.... I am sure she is bonding with you now and will continue when you are home in Miya's normal surroundings...


Anonymous said...

Sara, I am overwhelmed. This reminds me so much of our first days with Tony. He slept between us and we would wake up about every 15 minutes just to look at him. We'd even fight over who got to change the diaper! I know you are going through the same thing. Miya is beyond precious. I can tell there's something very special about her. when do you come home? I can't wait to see her AND you.


Anonymous said...

Sara & Miya, I love these pictures so much and am so wishing i was in uncle Dustin's shoes right now!! I just cant wait any longer to hold that beautiful little girl. She is just to hard to resist.. I hope you feel better Dustin and I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your trip, But hurry home already would ya???? Love you all and am missing you guys. Jack says hurry home Grams:)

Love you
Aunt Ariana, Jack And Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Such fun to read you comments and see the pictures!! She is so, so, so cute! Sorry to hear that Dustin is not well. I can sure remember a night in China after a long day that we just decided to stay in and order room service. I love Chinese food, but oh a club sandwich, fries and diet coke never tasted so good!

I wanted to remind you to shop for a couple of traditional Chinese music CD's to enjoy on future CNY and Harvest Moon Festival nights. Every time you listen to them, they will instantly take you back. Enjoy guys--it will be over before you know it!!

Anonymous said...

Very neat pics today:) The warriors are amazing. Glad to hear Miya is feeling a bit better. Give her a little time and I promise she will realize you are her mommy. From what I can see she looks to be warming up to you just fine:)Can't wait to meet her! Shayla

Unknown said...

Oh Sara! It is so wonderful of you to share this journey with all of us. Even though I had company, I took a moment to jump onto your site on the 6th and I cried with joy to see little Miya Mei with you. Yesterday, I peeked briefly again and got all choked up again. And today with guests on their way home, I read the whole blog. Laughing and giggling and showing her love of life and her comfort with you is so great. And little signs of bonding after only 4 days are incredible. I KNOW your bond with Miya will grow with each day, and that you are both blessed to be in each other's arms. My heart and my thoughts are with you, as are my wishes for health for your baby and your brother, and my deepest appreciation for your capacity for love and giving to this child who was born in your heart. Love, Gail

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara,
The picture of your brother warming food with a hair dryer is awesome! Vietnamese babies don't like their food cold either. There was a microwave in the kitchen of our hotel and they would warm food twice a day for us. You might want to check into that! Oh, the things you take for granted..... warm tap water for bottles that you can actually give your baby, microwaves and dishwashers. You will be home soon! Sounds like you are enjoying China though. I would give almost anything to be back in Vietnam. So...... just smile and enjoy every minute! Oh, and to make you feel better, Ari didn't care if it was us or the waitress holding her on day 4 either. Now look at her. What a mama's girl! Take care!