Sunday, July 13, 2008

Greetings from GZ

Hello from Guangzhou!
I am feeling better, I have been sick with a terrible sore throat and slight fever for the past two days. It was so bad yesterday I could barely speak. Yuck. I am glad I am feeling much better. Again, thank goodness for my mom and brother.

GZ and the White Swan are exactly like I have been reading about on the blogs for the past two years. It's tropical and doesn't really feel like we are in China. The architecture is very different, of British influence. We are staying on Shamian Island, a quaint little place. The entire area caters to adoptive families as the U.S. consulate is here and this is where we will get Miya's Visa. Her passport arrived today!! Hallelujah. I was pretty freaked about leaving Xi'an without it.

Our guides are keeping us very busy with adoption appointments, etc. Today we went to the toy market and a shopping mall. Tomorrow is our consulate appointment and then we have the afternoon free. We will also be going on the Pearl River Cruise tomorrow evening.

Miya is doing great. She hangs out in her stroller when we are out and about and just soaks everything in. We are in shopping mode now and hope to get everything on our lists before we leave. Just 2 more days here and then we are on our way home....we are VERY ready.

April Y - The Ergo works great but it was very hot in Xi'an and in GZ, so I opted to only use it indoors. I finally bought a stroller in GZ and we are both much happier when we are outside.

Pics of the day!
The White Swan waterfall shot....Miya would not look at the camera. Why should she? The waterfall was much more interesting than her Grandma and Uncle making clucking noises and goofy faces trying to get her to turn her head.

First fingernail clipping, I managed to get 4 done on one hand.

Lunch at Pizza Hut in the shopping mall...
Shopping district....
Strolling the island...

and yes, like all the adoptive parents before me...we've been to Lucy's....twice...


Anonymous said...

It's so great to see and hear Miya in action. You can really tell in the pics her comfort level. You can tell she knows mommy is here to stay. She looks healthy and in good spirit. Can't wait to see her face to face. Travel home safely! Alot of people back in the states are anxious to see you.

alicat said...

It has been such a pleasure watching you fall in love with your daughter. I have turned my family on to your blog while I have been here in Virginia. We are all so intrigued with your wonderful story and travels.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

What a little doll she is... still hard to get over the fact that you finally have her.. take care

Donna said...

Glad things are going so smoothly...hope you feel better soon. Miya is such a doll!

Anonymous said...

It appears from that video that little Miya is doing very well. She looks adorable.
It is so funny to hear you talk about Lucy's.... If you run into a shopkeeper named Glenda, tell her Grampa Jim says hello. :o)
Have a great day.