Friday, July 4, 2008

Beijing Day 1

Disclaimer: I have jet lag and I almost melted in the 89 degree heat + crazy humidity so who knows what this post will be like. Let’s get started…

Happy 4th of July!!!

Wow! What a day. After traveling for 26 hours yesterday we went to bed at midnight and then awoke at 2:00a.m. and 5:00a.m. ouch. My mom and I finally got up at 6:00a.m. and met my brother at 7:15a.m. for the first of what will be many breakfast buffets. After breakfast we met our guide Tracy and driver Mr. Gou and headed out for a marathon day of touring.

First up Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City. Very interesting places and have I mentioned it is hot here? Good grief. The heat is crazy, I feel like you could cut the air with a knife it is so thick and muggy. The pollution and smog were also very bad.

I am finding if very surreal to be here. I have read so many adoption blogs the past two years and I can’t believe that I am here actually here experiencing all that I have read about. One thing I thought I had mentally prepared myself for and am having a tough time with is the fact that everyone stares at us, and I mean everyone. Within 5 minutes of starting our day a group of tourists were pointing, staring, and wanting to have their picture taken with us (we happily obliged of course). I am fairly certain I am the tallest, largest woman in Beijing at the moment.
After, we toured the Temple of the Heavens. Very beautiful and very hot.

We jumped back into the air-conditioned van and headed off for the silk market where we watched a demonstration on how silk is made…funny how the only people there were tourists.

Then it was off to lunch, yummy Chinese. No complaints and we are all being careful not to drink the water or ice.

After lunch, it was off to Summer Palace where we toured around, saw the sights, rode on a boat, and then the jet lag kicked in…but we weren’t done yet. We then went to a traditional Chinese tea house, where we sampled and watched a tea making demonstration. Again, very interesting.

Finally, after driving past a few Olympics venues we made it back to the hotel where we cranked up the AC and tried to stay awake. We just finished having dinner in the hotel and the plan for tonight includes updating the blog and hitting the hay.

While eating dinner, I gulped..."I meet Miya in 2 days! it still doesn’t feel real". My mom said “oh don’t you worry, it’s going to feel real soon enough” and then chuckled.

We are off to the Great Wall and Ming Tombs tomorrow. We leave for Xi’an tomorrow night after touring!! Holy moly it’s HAPPENING!!

p.s. my mom is mortified I am taking pictures of her in the fanny pack. I am mortified she is wearing it. Just kidding. She hauled my chapstick and funds for me today and I was glad she had it. She swears she would never wear anywhere but here...hehehe...

p.p.s Blogger is not blocked here at the moment, I am thinking it's because of the Olympics?? I can view my blog no problems at all yet. Split pants sightings and a squat potty stop were also on the agenda today.


Liene said...

Sara you would never survive in the South. Right now 89 seems "pleasant". Granted it's early AM and only in the mid 70's right now but it will get hotter.

Love the pictures thus far and glad you made it safely. I think if I were in your shoes it too would be a completely surreal experience. I'm ready for my turn.

alicat said...

Geez Sara, they probably think you are a goddess! I would take full advantage of that while you are there.

Next week, I will be feeling the heat along with you while I am in Virginia. Meanwhile, I am off to get ready for the parade. Another scorcher here, but atleast it is not humid.

Thanks so much for the updates. The photos are great... especially of the fanny pack!

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's my fanny pack & can't wait to get it back. Someone said the world's a stage & we are but players. I'm lovn the drama as it's unfolding. Can't wait for the next act. Great photos!

Ellen's Grandma said...

Sara, If you think everyone stares at you now, just wait until you have Miya....

Thank you for blogging. It is a chore after a long day, but it allows all of us at home to feel like we are sharing this wonderful experience with you.

Cynth, I didn't even notice the fanny pack.......hee hee.

Special K said...

Love that you're blogging your trip! This is my favorite part...well other than doing it myself someday.

But I totally get what you're saying about it feeling so surreal to be there. I think the same thing and wonder how it'll feel for me one day since for so long I've been reading the stories of others and seeing their pics. Gawd.. I can't wait!

Have I told you how excited I am for you? Oh yeah... I think I have! LOL! Just enjoy and soak it all in.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Sounds you are having a great time so far - regardless of the jetlag - oh and humidity... I am with Liene... you would never survive the South... it is about 85 now and that is inside... outside it is alot more humid... seems I will fit in ok... hehehe... have a good sleep and happy 4th... take care

Anonymous said...


Love the pictures hun!